Science in Today’s World: Earth and Life Science introduces foundational knowledge on Earth science and biology. It has a compilation of different topics that deal with understanding Earth, its neighboring planets, and the universe. It includes scientific explanations and ways of mitigating and adapting with the natural phenomena such as typhoons and earthquakes. The book also covers life processes which include the topics on how life on Earth began, bioenergetics, reproduction and survival of plants and animals, evolution, and interaction and interdependence in the environment. Essential features are added to engage students into an active learning process. Moreover, well-crafted assessment tools are included to provide meaningful and enriched learning experiences.
Pre-Learning Check – serves as a diagnostic test to assess students’ prior knowledge
Quick Quiz – a minds-on activity that elicits immediate feedback on students’ learning
Quick Lab – a hands-on activity that engages students in an active science learning process
Career in Science – suggests professions to encourage students to take a career path in science
Scientist of the Time – highlights scientists who contributed significantly to the development of science
Glimpse of History – emphasizes historical achievements and developments in science
Misconception Alert – identifies and corrects common student misconceptions in science
Technology in Focus – updates students on the latest developments in science and technology
Challenge through ICT – an ICT-integrated assessment connected to the technology presented in Technology in Focus
Concept Mastery, Process What You Know, and Check Your Understanding – assessments that test students’ knowledge and understanding on the concepts presented in the discussion
Science in Action – assessments that require students to create a product or perform a task
Function Icons:
STEM Challenge – hands-on problem-based inquiry and exploration activities that challenge students to find solution to real-world problems as they are guided by the engineering process
Differentiated Instruction (DI) – tags enhanced activities and assessments that develop multiple intelligence
21st Century Skills – identifies the learning, literacy, and life skills developed and nurtured through the activities
Learning Skills (LE): (1) critical thinking, (2) creativity, (3) collaboration, (4) communication
Literacy Skills (LE): (1) information, (2) media, (3) technology
Life Skills (LE): (1) flexibility, (2) leadership, (3) initiative, (4) productivity, (5) social skills
Values Integration (VI) – tags activities and assessments that allow students to demonstrate their values
Quick Response (QR) Codes – provide additional teaching and blended learning resources
Textbook (TB)
Learning Guide (LG)
Blended Learning Resources Portal (BLRP)