Ma. Socorro Q. Perez, PhD
Mark Anthony R. Cayanan
Senior High School, Core Subjects
Fine Lines: Writing Poetry, Fiction, and Drama combines the academic rigor of a literature classroom with the process-oriented bent of a creative writing set-up. It aims to give the students enough grounding in terms of sample texts and discussion points for them to be aware of the various formal structures that characterize various literary genres, alongside a look into the more intricate issues confronted by writers during the creative process. Thus, the textbook hopes to utilize and channel the knowledge acquired by the students in previous literature classes, the expected range of topics and learning competencies outlined by the K to 12 Curriculum of the Department of Education, and the skills needed by the individual practicing in earnest creative writing. The textbook comes with Teachers Wraparound Edition, the new learning guide format of the House. It also contains a detailed curriculum map.