Ma. Socorro Q. Perez, PhD
Martin V. Villanueva
Senior High School, Core Subjects
Narratives In and Of the Mind: Approaches to Creative Nonfiction with Exercises complies with DepEd’s call to view the study of creative nonfiction as a means to learn the utilitarian skills of writing, reading, and communication. Incorporated with these skills are lessons in critical thinking in the form of understanding definitions and recognizing their enactments through reading and writing. The textbook also helps train the students to write polished versions of their piece of literary reportage, write a personal or a travel narrative, produce an exegesis essay which serves as a reflection paper on the genre and their understanding of it. More importantly, the textbook challenges them to view writing within this genre as not just a means to a communicative end, rather an activity that is fully engaging. The textbook comes with Teachers Wraparound Edition, the new learning guide format of the House. It also contains a detailed curriculum map.