Elineth Elizabeth L. Suarez, EdD
Philippe Jose S. Hernandez, Jerico J. Esteron, Christhoper B. Watchon
Senior High School, Core Subjects
Ready to Write: A Reading and Writing Textbook for Senior High School This book on reading and writing skills is a response to the need for quality educational materials that are compliant with the trusts of the senior high school curriculum. Guided by the theories of constructivism, meaning construction, communicative competence, learnercenteredness, project-based learning, standards-based assessment, and Understanding by Design, it provides the students with the needed, and even beyond, DepEd-mandated competencies.
The engaging activities and tasks are arranged in a way that they build from simple to complex and progressively become more contextualized to real life and the different disciplines senior high students may later on enter. From worksheet exercises to performance tasks, this textbook contains reading, writing, and discussion activities meant to hone the skills of the learners.