Rosario Laurel-Sotto
Shila Rose D. Sia
Senior High School, Core Subjects
TB ( 2018 ), LG ( 2018 )
Science in Today’s World: Earth and Life Science is written in compliance with the Department of Education K to 12 Curriculum. By using the book, students will increase their understanding of how earth science relates to the world and be in a better position to make informed decisions on scientific matters that have social, health, or environmental impacts. As they feel involved in the text, their understanding will enable them to perform scientific processes and skills and demonstrate scientific values and attitudes. STW Earth Science covers a wide range of topics, from the dynamic processes that occur on Earth to the events that formed the universe. It provides a significant discussion of the origin, structure, and composition of the universe, the Solar System, and Earth, how humans use and abuse natural resources, and the exogenic and endogenic processes on Earth. Several essential features have also been included in order to add more contexts, provide more content, and maintain engagement to the lessons. Lastly, appropriate assessment tools are included in order to properly evaluate student understanding.